mact poblenou big data

Urban Big Data Unveil Poblenou Urban Stories

Are you curios to know which is the Unhappiest spot of Poblenou? Could you tell where in the neighborhood Male or Females usually hang out? Have you ever been in the most Symbolic and Anonymous places of the area? Are you looking for the most Diverse or the most Local corners? Did you find out where Young and Old people usually live?

Urban Big Data – the citizens’ activity on social networks, traffic flows, etc. – enables us to make visible several aspects of the city functioning that will go unnoticed by relying upon traditional cartographic information.

Students of the Master in City & Technology seminar City Data Interpretation, led by 300.000 km/s Mar Santamaria and Pablo Martinez, examined the landscape of the Poblenou area of Barcelona both in its morphological and behavioral aspects.

By superimposing previously analyzed information about behavior on a new dataset, students obtained a synthetic cartography, which was the starting point of their cross reading of information, finalized to identify hierarchies and relevant values, patterns and exceptions.

mact poblenou iaac

The Design Museum in Glories is the most International place in Poblenou

mact iaac poblenou

The coast and the beach happen to be the happiest places in the neighbourhood

The Master in City & Technology focusses on the needs for the habitability of the 21st century cities and the significant role of technology for the formation of the new urban environments. IAAC proposes this new Master program oriented in training Change Makers that City Government Administrations, the Industry and Communities need in order to develop projects for the transformation of the cities.

Learn more about the Master in City & Technology by clicking here.