The project observes the current migratory influx of the city’s workforce from rural to urban, whilst understanding its need-driven characteristic, over its “demand” driven narrative. This research then investigates the urbanization patterns of the peri-urban or the rural to understand the differences made more evident by the rapid need of ‘production of space’ merely for capital gains and images that re-instate political presence towards neo-liberal modernization of a prosperous living. Meanwhile almost eliminating the ability and capacities of personal production, the hinterlands witness hyper transformative landscapes of the built environment. Hence the research positions itself in the hinterlands of Mumbai while identifying its relation to the city by its proximity and future connectivity.

//Migrational Flow from the Countryside to the City

//Pluralism of the Indian Urban Landscape

//Poetics of Space Making by the People

//Landscape of Production

// Cosmogramme

LINK  is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed in the Master in Advanced Architecture 2020/21 by:

Student: Aditya Mandlik

Faculty: Mireia Luzarraga