Bi polar facade


Diffusion of Sunlight in to the façade exploring the material polypropylene to its maximum bending possibilities with wood as  the main Structural member supporting the polypropylene .Each Component In the facade takes the form from a complex bending process resulted . Behavior of polypropylene and its bending properties were tested and understood to a certain extent by rigorous experiments and explorations .Blending and  bending  of polypropylene with wood was a tedious task on the table for us .



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Our Façade inspired from the shape of the leaves  and the shade they give .Solar Shading and the optimization of the form was primary concern .The Façade was designed keeping function as important rather than just a visual  treat .

We are using two different sort of materials blending and bending them in homogenous structure  .We manage to combine those two materials and bending as the technique resulting at a Bipolar façade.

We attached Our structure to the existing frame by cutting small slits in it .We weave the wooden strips into the frame and blend the polypropylene with it .The behavior of polypropylene and the properties of forces acting on it were initially difficult to understand ,but by rigorous efforts made to solve each and every detail to fabricate it .






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We learnt to a certain extent the material properties of polypropylene and Contra Chapada Abedul wood  with a lot of variants ,iterations.

The important lesson was the design process from physical to digital world .


Death of a City  is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master in Advanced Architecture in 2015 by:

Chenthur Raaghav Naagendran

Mohit Chordia

Anna Dandyego

Martin Hristov
Faculty: Alexandre Dubor

Djordje Stanojevic