IAAC – Master in City & Technology
Digital Tools & Big Data Seminar

Starsky Lara[email protected]

Today’s cities and citizens are constantly producing massive amounts of data the understanding of which has become of vital importance to the precise development of an urban environment. In this era of big data, professionals are asked to understand the urban complexities in all of their forms, a task which inherently requires a deep exploration of the world of data. The objective of the Master in City and Technology’s Digital Tools and Big Data Seminar along the year will be to explore the different types of data generated in the urban environment with the aim to understand how the analysis and visualization of such big amounts of data can allow them to not only see the city in different ways but also to uncover its hidden layers.

Such tools can be profoundly beneficial to future professionals who seek to become experts on providing solutions for current and relevant urban conditions as they maximize their capacity for accurate and precise decision making. By strengthening their relationship with the city’s digital infrastructure students will learn tools that will not only allow them to collect but also to analyze and eventually to visualize data, with the aim to draw conclusions and construct meaningful and relevant information on the urban reality.

Students throughout the year will be introduced to:

  • working with and reading different types of data
  • collecting data through the use of digital platforms and coding languages
  • static visualization of data through the use of charts, graphs and maps
  • interactive visualization of data through the use of coding languages and digital platforms
  • Big Data analytics and strategy formation