Leapfrog technologies such as blockchain and cryptocurrencies are destined to radically change how buildings are designed, constructed and managed. This will have a major impact not only on building operations, but also business performance. As blockchain technology evolves and further penetrates the design industry, it is important for designers to adapt their thinking to fully realize the capabilities this new technology can have on our work and to use this technology for good.
BIM is an advanced process that helps various stakeholders to collaborate over a shared model. This process can be seen as a smart contract between owner, architect, contractor and sub-contractor. Whereas blockchain is a powerful global infrastructure that can record information on transaction, creates smart contracts (immutable), maintains transparency thus trust and efficiency amongst the collaborators.
The podcast enagages in conversation with the guest speaker who is a expert in the field of blockchain and industrialized construction, Professor Dr. Daniel Hall. He is a lead of the Chair of Innovative and Industrial Construction at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering at the ETH Zürich. The listeners will hear about what blockchain and how it is relevant to the AEC industry? They will be introduced to the buzz words like crypto, NFT’s (Non-Fungible Tokens), smart contracts, DAO (Decentralised Autonomous Organisation) and DAS(Decentralised Autonomous Space).
Professor Hall ran through some of the projects under his leadership such as no1s1 and Siemens: Digital Twins Projects

Prof. Dr. Daniel M Hall
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Blockchain: A new opportunity to govern digital future is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at MaCAD (Masters in Advanced Computation for Architecture & Design) in 2021/22 by students: Irene Martin Luque & Naitik Sharma and faculty: Dr. Maite Bravo