“Architecture is the masterly, correct and magnificent play of masses brought together in light.” Our eyes are made to see forms in light; light and shade reveal these forms; cubes, cones, spheres, cylinders or pyramids are the great primary forms which light reveals to advantage; the image of these is distinct and tangible within us without ambiguity. It is for this reason that these are beautiful forms, the most beautiful forms. Everybody is agreed to that, the child, the savage and the metaphysician.-Le Corbusier (Vers une architecture, Towards a new Architecture, 1923) Nature’s transcendence of light Where is the beginning of nature’s transcendence of light? Nature’s passion are mainly reflected into light within the darkness, although unknown to exactly where it creates great amount of light, its light seems rare and magical, yet there are thousands of other living things that respond to darkness. There are micro organisms that are immersed in these magical environments and revel in the beauty of this remarkable natural phenomenon, The role of architecture is to use this phenomenon to create an environment that would be one in natures transcendence of light, a cold light that would passionately inflame a space in between architecture and nature, a space that enkindles that darkness is not a closed, numb or end environment but rather an environment that seeks natures magical beauty to create passion within the darkness, an open environment, a space to move passionately, to direct, to see, and to experience the fact that darkness is lightness. An introduction to micro creature-Bioluminescence Algae Bioluminescence is a biological phenomenon of emission of light, involving a bio-chemical reaction by a living organism. This process is widely found in terrestrial as well as aquatic organisms, viz -firefly, glow worms, mushrooms etc and jellyfish, few marine fishes, algae, bacteria etc. respectively. The organisms capture energy through photosynthesis and convert inorganic substances into simple sugars releasing the energy in the form of light.
Dinoflagellates are unicellular protists and are usually planktonic- ninety percent are marine plankton. They are small; many are microscopic, although the largest, Noctiluca. Dinoflagellates are motile and swim by two flagella, which are movable protein strands. The longitudinal flagella extends from the sulcal groove at the posterior part of the cell and is responsible for the cells forward movement. The flattened flagella extends from the cingulum groove around the equator of the cell and provides the dinoflagellate with the ability to maneuver. Because of these two flagella, the dinoflagellate spirals when it moves.
The Research The research investigates the process of generation and release of photons in the algae, Dinoflagellates. The Dinoflagellates emit light on stimulation, motion and movement. The light discharged is of low intensity and within blue-green spectrum of the wavelength. The major challenges are to: a. Amplify and reflect the low intensity light produce by these micro-organism b. Generation of kinetics through motion to stimulate the micro-organism Aiming at creating a light structure that reflects and amplifies the low intensity light produced by the bioluminiscent algae.
A study for amplification of light wave This involves creation of a geometric volume that diverges the light thus widening the angle and extent of the aura. Also, the geometry of the form needs to cater to the multiple reflection factors for dispersing and brightening the light rays. A multi faceted wrap with reflective surface inclined to the illumination direction is envisioned to enhance the light produced.
An environment and system for Micro-organisms The basic elements for the growth of algae are passive sunlight for photosynthesis. The optimum temperature required is 21°-26°C. The motion stimulates the algae leading it to a biochemical reaction that produces light energy. The nutrients keep them alive and help them multiply. The continuous reproduction assisted by the nutrients is the reason for regular light production, on movement.
Architecture’s approach to Natures transcendence The overall composition is an inflorescence of algae encapsulated in a double layered structure that insulates it from the extremes of nature. The external layer has mirrored surface that reflects and bounces the light emitted. Each unit is connected to each other through elastic rubber tube that transfers the kinetic energy to subsequent units stimulating motion and thus, light.
The evolution The design is an evolution from a triangle, which multiplies to generate a hexagonal surface. This geometry allows light transmission as well as multiple reflection when reflective surfaces are arranged appropriately. The prototype is a truncated hexagonal cylinder with an off-centered axis which on repetition with rotation generates dynamism to the whole composition.
Mechanism The mechanical system of the bioluminescent algae prototype works with the tension and compression as well as buckling in order to achieve motion and movement for the algae to respond to its capability, at the same time interacting with the people around it. The system has a mechanical spring 50mm in diameter, #14 tie wire and approximately with a length 120mm, It is then attached with the same diameter of pipe, the pipe allows the mechanical system to be lighter enough to withdraw a compression and tension for the system and give support to the spring itself, the length of the pipe varies and depends on how much compression and tension will be created. The spring and pipe are then sealed with an MDF stopper at both sides together with the wall, exactly 52mm in diameter with threaded rod, knot and bolt. The rod’s length depends on how far would be the prototype from the intruded surface of the wall. Circular Pad with an exact diameter same to the pipe are then attached to depress the clicking sound when tension occurred. Finally, a female rod plug is inserted to the front tip of the threaded rod to make a connection between the prototype and its mechanical motion system.
Lighting mechanism The research exercise is to produce energy without the consumption any external mechanical power. The dino-flagellates emit light on motion stimulation. A spring is introduced for the kinetics in the organism. The spring with its oscillating motion on soft push agitates the algae which in turn undergoes a bio-chemical reaction to generate light energy.
Design composition The bio-lamp is a project that commenced with the research on algae with bio-luminescence trait and progressed with a creation of a light structure that is stimulated by human interaction. The whole process evolves, beginning with the study & culture of algae, Dinoflagellates and convolutes into several forms with common character of double skinned component. This skin protects and insulates the algae. The end result is a surface tessellation composed of hexagonal units engulfing the algae container and its feeding mechanism supported by a spring. The spring ensures the kinetics in the algae on a soft push, producing light. This simple technique when amalgamated with the outer shell process renewable light, though low intensity, and amplifies the same through multiple reflection. The cluster of these prototypes form an installation that can be stationed at parks, street signage etc. The bio-lamp is a step ahead in future, where living organisms form an energy source. Wood Prototype
Final Prototype in Valdaura Labs