The project envisions the understanding of time as an element of generating knowledge. But knowledge not in a traditional way, rather understanding time as a collection of experiences. For instance, experiences that will become Events (architectural events) where people will be able to acquire knowledge by experience.

Starting from 5 main hierarchical educational fields (Education, Culture, Nature, Mobility, Food) the aim of the building is that people circulate through different programs/events with a specific topic. After this move to another event with different thematic but related to a specific experience, and then keep looping within the building collecting experiences in a specific period of time.


Concept Model of circulation and program behavior.


Time grid for specific events per field of education (Education, Culture, Nature, Mobility, Food).




Catalog of experiences.



Time Experienced Learning Center (T.E.L.C) is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia

developed at Master in Advanced Architecture in 2016/2017 by:

Student: Alvaro Meza M.

Faculty: Enric Ruiz Geli

Mireia Luzárraga