Is there any way to make the life of Syrian Refugees’ safe along with making their Overcrowding Invisible? In the Search of Safe life Sustainable settlement.

Invisible CityThe scenario of the Syrian crisis has forced it´s 4,815,360 people to leave their house to become Refugee and walk on the insecure path to search for the food and shade to sleep.

The journey of these refugees nomad life is too unsafe and painful especially in the case of Child, girls, and women’s and disables persons. Large numbers of refugees crossed into the Europe and by August 2015, there are 313,000 asylum applications across Europe. The largest numbers are recorded in Germany with over 89,000, and Sweden with over 62,000. More than 100,000 refugees cross into the Europe in July, and by September over 8,000 refugees cross daily. The UNHCR reports that refugee numbers exceed 4,000,000, mostly in Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq.

It has been seen that due to overcrowding several countries are not accepting these refugees. Hungary is overburdened in 2015 by asylum applications during the  European migrant Crises, to the point that on 23 June its refuses to allow further applicants to be returned by other European countries.

One side Several Refugees are helplessly living without any roof and food another side the countries allowing these refugees claiming overcrowding and other problems.

Is there any way to make the life of these Refugees’ safe along with making their Overcrowding Invisible?


1 . So we proposed Invisibility for hiding the increasing   Mass Refugees migration to minimize the negative impact on host City along with promoting population to interact with the local community.
2 . On an individual level, we propose a futuristic idea to make an unsafe person invisible.

Proposal 1. Mass migration Solution

Concept of a City with Light weight module.

The concept of a City with Lightweight fabrication Module.

Site Plan shows series of Invisible settlement along the network

Screenshot 2016-03-07 16.22.08

Typical Invisible city

 2. Individual invisibility.

First panel

2 nEW




Invisibility is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master in Advanced Architecture, in 2016 by:
Students: Sidharth Kumar, Andresfelipe Mornaverrete
Faculty: Marco Ingrassia, Pablo Ros