Developable Strips is a project by MRAC 01 students  during the second workshop  seminar of the first term. Second Workshop was taught by faculty Efilena Baseta, Marielena Papandreou.

During the second workshop  seminar , students had to explore ::

Developable strips and how they are helpful to save materials




Developable strips and how they are helpful to save materials , because typically curves are wasteful in materials but in by creating in Developable way and cutting them from planner surfaces can save lots of materials.



In this section is the final stage of this long process of  manufacturing, we put the final touches by putting a lighting system.

We used LED strips that is connected a module that could be connected to the WIFI  . From there you can connect with you phone through an app.

You could control the colour temperature.Also it could react to voice and music , which is always nice to have things react to there environment and people.

-Colour Temperature Palette-

The Final Piece planned to be installed in the entrance lobby. So the Perfect Case for an entry way :

Colour temerture in Kelvin  :  2700-3000 Kelvin

Light Appearance : Warm White

Ambiance : Cozy, inviting, welcoming


-Lights reacting to voices not just music-

Since it was the the last stage everyone took a part as kind of celebration in a way. Also the submission was almost near Christmas , so it felt like a Christmas tree but IAAC style.



Form Finding Developable Strips with Kangaroo is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia
developed at Master in Robotics and Advanced Construction in 2021/22 by:
Students(Lights): Shamanth Thenkan Siddaramu , Abanoub Nagy Abdou Mikhail
Faculty: Efilena Baseta, Marielena Papandreou