
Wave Crest is a project that creates a sun shade pavilion that can be fastened to a floating dock on the coast of Formentera. The idea behind this project was inspired by an ongoing studio project that focuses on creating hospitality below sea level and connecting what is under the sea to the built world.

In order to create the form, the team considered the weather factors of Formentera through ladybug and experimented with kangaroo origami as a form finding solution. The initial form was created based on the concept of origami and the further manipulated by changing the angle of the folds in the origami and setting different anchor points to derive the best form in conjunction with the environmental data.




  1. Create a square grid geometry and explode to find the midpoint of each line of each cell
  2. Join the midpoints of each cell with polyline
  3. Dispatch the list to create more cells in order to cover the entire plane, merge new cells with existing list
  4. Merge both groups of cells to have a complete grid on the plane
  5. Explode the grid, flatten the data and remove duplicate lines
  6. Cull the points and lines that exist beyond the set geometry
  7. Merge the new culled grid with the original grid lines, flatten the data and remove duplicate lines
  8. Set boundary surface based on the desired geometry, split the surface by curves and create a simple mesh


  1. Evaluate curves to find closest point on mesh and cull
  2. Combine and clean the mesh, extract the edges and create an offset
  3. Dispatch or split the list to provide folding start, folding end, tip 1 and tip 2


  1. Show geometry
  2. Extract mesh edges to set the length of the lines
  3. Deconstruct the mesh to apply a load
  4. Provide strength factor with a slider
  5. Set anchor points
  6. Entwine or merge geometry, length line, strength, load, anchor points and hinge to solve

To manipulate the final geometry the values of the rest angle, force of the load, strength of the floor and anchor points can be modified.



Wave Crest is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master in Advanced Architecture in 2021 by:

Students: Federico Caldi, Morgan O’Reilly and Alessandra Weiss

Faculty: David Andres León, Ashkan Foroughi and Laukik Lad.