A simple act of tracking our own movement, can be easily translated into visual data telling the story of our lifestyle and patterns.

Using the “Moves” app to stalk ourselves, and mapping the outcomes in Rhinoceros & Grasshopper enabled us to create a journal from which the derivatives can be used to either improve, change or stop a certain “habit”.

The data recorded displays the following:

  • Most time spent was recorded at home, followed by IAAC.
  • Although the duration was shorter in comparison, the points around Las Ramblas, – including Barri Gotic and Raval – are quite frequent due to it being our Fab City studio site.
  • The direct route to and from IAAC is the most common one.


A Visual Diary: Stalking Yourself

Project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia

MaCT (Master in City and Technology) 2017-2018

Student: Najla Aldah

Faculty: Rodrigo Aguirre