Valldaura Labs is an exploratory project in self-sufficient and ecologically aware living that aims to develop a Living Lab for the self-sufficient Habitat. The initiative is intended to develop and expand during the following years with the effort and experience of researchers, faculty and students. The key is to use the resources that the campus has to offer, as well as the skills and experience of all participants involved in the initiative to test the technologies and processes that will transform our cities and buildings into more ecological and bilaterally connected places.

The vision of the future of Valldaura Labs is focused on how to learn through practice, and to design buildings and self-sufficient habitats that use renewable and ecologically conscious materials and processes. The areas of work are focused on digital manufacturing, ecological materials, energy self-sufficiency and slow food as well as strategies in zero waste and life cycles.

Valldaura also hosts the Master in Advanced Ecological Buildings. Students participating in this hands-on, investigative program can live on campus in the expansive Valldaura Manor and have a fully immersive experience in self-sufficient ecological living. Valldaura is a unique campus in that it is located on 130 hectares of green forest and agricultural lands, while being located just 5 km outside the city proper. This allows for extensive, hands-on research and investigation in computational agriculture, metabolic systems, and ecological strategies, while only being a short distance away from all the facilities and resources that Barcelona has to offer to students and researchers. Valldaura also hosts numerous programs, courses, projects and initiatives from any department of the IAAC; research projects such as the ROMI (Fab City Research Lab) or courses of the MRAC, events linked to the Fab Academy or the graduation party of the IAAC all occur at Valldaura Labs.