The creation of spaces within a tiny house
The pocket house is our first proposal for the design of a tiny house by the students of MAEB, in which we wanted to push forward the flexible living with kinetic architecture.

Flexible living
The basic shape allows the tiny house to be adapted to different environments depending on the latitude of the place or its heat demands. The house is designed looking for the idea of easy transportation. Once placed in the area, the user has freedom to open and close spaces following its necessities.

Different configurations are available for the model.
The client is able to choose different plug-ins to adapt and configure its own house: small studio for remote work,shed for gardening tools, greenhouse… are spaces that the user can implement.

Natural Crossed ventilation.
The metabolic system works aimed to be a near self-sufficiency house with connection to the water and energy grid for the community. The house produces its own electricity during all the year and sell the excess to the energy grid. The energy consumption, which is lower and cheaper during the night is supplied by the energy grid. In addition, the house is designed following bioclimatic principles to reduce the energy demand for thermal comfort.

Rain collection.
The water cycle consist in the harvesting of rain water to use combined with the water grid for drinkable water and primary uses. Once is used, the water is treated to become gray water and it can be used for irrigation and flushing toilettes.

Babylon wall system for primary and secondary treatment of the water.
Moreover, a draft for an App has been designed in order to allow the user to know and control everything about its house.
The Pocket House is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia
developed at Master in Advanced Ecological Buildings in 2019 by:
Students: Giulia Astrachan, Jesús Bueno, Nour El Kamali
Faculty: Vicente Guallart