Faculty: Jose Starsk Lara

Image Credits: IAAC

Today Internet is a network of information. It contains more of 60 trillion web sites, with more than 75 millions of servers, that transmit millions of emails and messages per second. Our lives and work run on this internet of information. With the development of Artificial Realities Internet will become the Internet of the Experiences. In the next few years, the Internet of the Experiences will be embedded into distributed virtual worlds.

In this age Artificial Realities are emerging through devices Hololens, those are enabling new ways to transmit, quantify, redefine, share or access in new ways of communication and visualised information. Those future realities are becoming a new interface for physical and digital integration on the process of Design (Urban or Architecture Informatics), Manufacturing (industrialisation 4.0), Product Deploy (Product engagement and updates).

The seminar will introduce the current Mix Reality and Augmented Reality trends, exploring their main capabilities in software and hardware development. Students will get in touch with the basics of coding in c# and java, learning the necessary knowledge for developing AR/MR applications within the Unity development platform. Several opportunities will be explored by designers and makers during the seminar, integrating CAD software (Pure Unity or Grasshopper) with AR/MR Applications through Internet.