The sheep landscape cuts through the entire building starting as the ground floor on the East side and climbs up to become the first floor on the West
CONTEXT: Sheepscape incorporates 150 head of sheep into a suburban residential context located in Valencia, Spain. The Guirra sheep is an autochthonous species of the region of Valencia but given its endangered status for reasons of productivity it was chosen for the project. According to experts, the area of our plot would technically permit 1000 sheep but given our suburban situation and issues that arise from intensive animal husbandry i.e., smell, we decided 150 would be more than enough to demonstrate our human-animal experiment. This amount would allow for a small cheese and wool operation.

The problems to consider when integrating sheep into a suburban environment

A list of the benefits provided by the integration of sheep into the community

The space requirements for the Guirra sheep
“Sheepscape” is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, developed at Masters in Advanced Ecological Buildings and Biocities in 2021-22 by:
Students: Romain Russe, Roshni Shah and Pablo Herraiz García de Guadiana
Faculty: Javier García-Germán, Guillermo Sevillano, Elena Orte, Jochen Shreer, Oscar Aceves, Miquel Rodriguez and Alex Hadley