The task of the assignment was to select an architectural component of the Mies van der Rohe pavilion, to manipulate its topology through a recursive strategy and to envision a new functionality for it.

The goal of the design is to recreate the window design of the Mies van der Rohe pavilion using recursive topologies in order to be able to control the ventilation and natural air flow in an off the building by the use of different size windows (according to the needs).

 The steps of the script:

1. Basic geometry (before the loop):

1.1. To create 1/4 of the window
1.2. To divide it in half (in two triangles: one to work with, one to preserve for the future)

2. Recursive system (inside the loop):

2.1. To divide the window in smaller segments by dividing the longest edge of the triangle in half and creating two smaller geometries in
stead of them.

3. Final touches (after the loop):

3.1. To add the thickness of the window and chamfer the edges
3.2. To mirror the geometry and to fill all the window with a new design.

4. Presentation:

4.1. To set the camera
4.2. To prepare the script for the animation.

“SO.3 Computational Design. Assignment 03 – Recursive Topology”
is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia
developed at Master in Advanced Architecture in 2018 by:
Students: Gabriele Jureviciute
Faculty: Aldo Sollazzo, Rodrigo Aguirre