Beirut is part of the long list of post-conflict cities, where the social, economical and geographical settings are inconsistent   and ever-changing.

This thesis explores the broader scope of Urban Development in Post-conflict cities, focusing on Planning Challenges and Policy Innovations.

From 1946 to 1967, Lebanon demonstrated that cities and national identities are human constructions and experiences based on the will to live together. They presented a model where a nation can develop & grow while being both open to the West and to its Arab neighborhood seeking its identity. However, Lebanon lacked the potential to defend itself against the high tides of the Middle East conflicts. 



Very much inspired and surprised by the collective initiative that arose as a response to different events, I started to explore the topic to turn constraints into opportunities.

The thesis will explore the specificities of Urban Voids and the potential role they could play in relation to innovative urban strategies that empower the community with the help of participatory protocols.   



> AREA OF INTEREST | Bachoura & Saifi <

As the heart of Beirut remains absent in the mind of its citizens, the area of interest covers the neighborhoods at direct proximity of what once was the demarcation line [marked in white dashes]. The strategy will aim at connecting the fabric to the its immediate surroundings in order to activate the heart of Beirut, while reclaiming back the Urban Remainders. 

The following state of the art explores a multi-layered strategy to reactivate the strip extending from the Beirut Central District to the intersection of the National Museum by creating punctual interventions that serve as a public space. The project also allows for a soft transportation network [Pedestrian & Bike Lanes], and a lighting network. 

To better understand the spatial conditions of both neighborhoods, I took a trip to observe the behaviors & patterns found in Bachoura & Saifi.





WeBeirut is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed in the Master of Advanced Architecture 2021/22; by Student: Yasmine Chacour & Faculty: Manuel Gausa & Johan Jasser Salas