
Our daily activities, advertising, big companies and new technologies, make us consume more and also waste more. According to a World Bank report, 2.010 million tons of waste are produced each year, and 50% of that waste is organic, these wastes produce methane and toxic gases. To contextualize if the total world waste were a country, it would be the third country with the most Emissions of greenhouse gases after USA and China. But how does this affect our cities? In Catalonia, 262,471 Tons of solid food waste are wasted, which is equivalent in volume to 12 Agbar towers, 372,000,000 Euros wasted and an emission of 120,000 Tons of CO2 emitted due to the current waste management system. How is waste treated in Barcelona? This diagram shows the large amounts that go to the landfill and the few resources that are extracted from the MBT (Mechanical Biological Treatment)

How can we reduce the impact of the current resource management system and increase the value of waste? Cash Trash is a proposal for local and decentralized administration of organic waste that aims to: • reduce the emissions produced by transporting the waste to the treatment site • maximize the utility of this type of waste with the use of anaerobic digestion on the terraces of buildings • generate a parallel economy as well as new urban spaces around the generation of Biogas and Compost.


Shortest Walk

User Interface


Use Cases

Next Steps

• Calculate the costs of our system and compare them with the current one
• Include the production of equipment, such as schools, office buildings that also produce this type of waste.
• Specify how this waste is transported
• Improve the graphic quality of the UI






This project is part of studio project, ‘CASH[TRASH] Nexus’ developed in research line of ‘Internet of Buildings’


Proximity Optimization for Waste Management System is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master in City and Technology, workshop in 2019/2020 by

Students: Michelle Rodriguez, Akshay Marsute and

Faculty: Alex Mademochoritis, Eugenio Bettuchi, Rodrigo Aguirre, Iacopo Neri.