These assignments were aimed at understanding arduino and it’s potential in architecture, using sensors that translate data to actuators to behave through coding.

Student : Prajakta Panchal

Tutors :

Ramin Shambayati
Carmen Aguilar



A switch is developed to turn a fan off and on through this exercise of arduino

Students :

Prajakta Panchal
Borislava Lubenova

Tutors :

Ramin Shambayati
Carmen Aguilar

As an extension of introductory studio, arduino is used to control the speed of fans by using a humidity sensor initially. The circuit is then modified by replacing the humidity sensor by a potentiometer since the humidity sensor could give a limited range of output. Four fans are connected to a circuit. These fans basically imitate the movement of wind and make the pens of the drawing machine work in order to make automated drawings.

Fritzing diagrams are made to understand and derive a circuit while simultaneously developing a code on arduino. In addition to fans, a motor is also used to imitate the vibration created by the wind. This motor also works simultaneously with the fans and the vibration is controlled by the same potentiometer.

Humidity sensor circuit

Humidity sensor circuit

Arduino played an important role in the process of development of our drawing machine, Wind Caricature.