P1020801 After the process of growing algae at my home for the first time, and waiting almost a week. I can finally start investigating  how actually these half plant half animal glow at “night”. But there is a big problem, they are really hard to capture by camera so last week my work have been basically looking for luminous macro lenses and adjusting values in the camera to capture the light. It is kind of frustrating because the glow a lot in “eye perception”, but apparently they are not so photogenic. Anyways, by shaking the lab flasks and actuating motion in water the algae glows greatly. For now I am just testing with plain old hand movement for shaking just to have a good perception on how they react. Again, I have experienced swimming in these in their natural habitat but my research will cover how they will be behaving in their new micro habitat context. I will be documenting the process. UPDATE: Apparently I am starting to get the camera values right or at least close to right. Although they are a little unfocused. I have to work on it, but here are some pics. Awesome stuff.

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