The Task:

The main task of this exercise is to decode the logic of complex facade solutions, defining the computational system behind them. This exercise wants to train students in setting a proper computational strategy, approaching their complex design proposals through a series of simple steps. Students will have to choose an existing facade solution from a various collection of proposals provided.

1.Select the facade system:

Johannes Strasse Jurgen Mayer Residential Building

About the Architect

Jürgen Mayer, has been in digital media & tech for a while. He is CEO at plazz AG ( & Before, he had been working 10 years for YAHOO!.  Prior to joining Yahoo!, he worked for T-Online and (ProsiebenSAT1 Media AG. Furthermore he is owner of /

Learn more:

2.Define an agenda of single steps needed to achieve the final  solution.

Recreating an existing facade it’s all about the logic behind it, it’a about defining its geometry through the grasshopper engine. To do that first you need to understand how the facade is made, to define what makes the geometry come together, what components is made out of. In this case we can start with a flat plane and cutting out the desired shapes in it.

In order to achieve the curved 3D effect that the facade creates. We can turn on the control points and pull the surface until it resembles the facade. Then we can move to the grasshopper script.

3.Setting up the grasshopper definition.

The grasshopper scripts starts by setting the plane, then making contours and projecting them in the x and z axis, making them all into a ruled surface and then extruding them into the x axis. This way you are manually building a series of extrude surfaces with a certain thickness that follow the topography of your plane.

The Final Result:


By: Nikoleta Nikolova