What if we could have the control of our own services (Energ/Mobility/Waste/Safety…)?

What if we were able to exchange services as we like? What if I generate a surplus of energy that I don’t need but I can exchange it by other services?

How this would be managed? What if the services would have their own ‘currency’/value by itself that cannot be capitalised?

How would be the everyday life if we could exchange services in real time?

What if the building itself (apart of its housing stock value would have a value because of the services it generates)? How that would affect the decision to rent or buy a flat?

If this were to be applied, how the planning process would take place?

All of this questions came up to our mind when we were thinking ‘What is ‘City as a service?’ Helsinki opened applications to be part of its experiment to become the World’s First City as a Service.

Some articles defines this as a vision for superfluid government – cost saving plus enriched citizen experience.

City-as-a-Service (CaaS) can be defined as the delivery or enablement of core municipal services through digital platforms that are data-driven and accesible via personal devices.

Ego to Eco concept

As a result of this our project tries to tackle concepts such as change on the way we understand the governance on the systems, making citizens actives managers and producers of these services and the further relationships between citizens, communities and other agencies. Technology (Internet of Things), Productivity (Community Empowerment and Local Networks) and Cooperative (Planning approach and collaborative self-sufficiency) are the driving points to create this digital system that tries to established physical relationships between the users.

The system vs the story

The final documents ellaborated for the project are:

The system. Network structure of the idea, connecting users, communities and city governance.

The story. Approach of the system through the everyday life of two characters of the city and how they interact, behave and perform with MOS as a system.

The presentation (o)

The System

The story (i)

The story (ii)

Triptych mock-up

For further details of the presentation:


‘MOS, Management Operational System’ is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master in City situs slot gacor & Technology in (2019/2020) by:
StudentAlejandro Quinto, Byron Candela
FacultyKathrin DiPaola, Julius Streifeneder