BIG Little Denmark project, which attempted to map sociological behavior by simplifying it to the data points of monetary consumption
In DeLanda’s review of Deleuze, one of his primary summaries is that oscillating behaviors form the patterns of actualization behind molecular, biological, and socio-technic structures. If accurate, then this base principle could be used to build virtual models of such processes, and to generate new models based on the same patterns of organization.
The behavioral oscillations in molecular and biological applications are clear, and DeLanda includes illustrative examples. The socio-technic applications are less obvious and, though referenced in passing, are left relatively unexplained. If such behavioral patterns in this context could actually be identified and refined, they might offer a much-needed step toward building sociological models and turning the more elusive factors of the built environment into actionable data points. [BIG’s Little Denmark project attempted to simplify the sociological condition of the built environment into a map of the resources and entertainments monetarily consumed. Economic activity is easily recorded, and therefore easily mapped and modeled. Perhaps if other sociological forces could be mapped as accurately, we could start to superimpose these models in a way that could generate verifiable data.]