Sustainable consumption and production impact

In order to better understand the causes and consequences of the main economic, social and environmental challenges of the Matter Site project the workshop focused an exercise to assess the potential impact and context of the project from a macro scale perspective.

Scaling down

Global Impact

Major fields that will experience high resource use increase and on top of that the construction Industry consumes ? of natural resources. At this rate we will need 5 earths if everyone’s consumes like the United States.

Construction Industry problematic | Resources

230 Billion square meters will be built by 2050, that’s like pouring concrete over half Spain. There are three primary life cycle points during which waste is generated: Construction, Renovation and Maintenance and Demolition. Digital solutions will have to consider the impact on all this categories at once.

How to reduce the consumption  impact on the construction industry?

Strategies like circular economy, material passports and design for disassembly are bringing new solutions into the near future panorama. Digitalization of the sector will play a significant role to improve the productivity and connection with other industries. The research analysis the use existing building infrastructure, use parts of existing buildings and re-use and recycle materials on-site and off-site in order to evaluate buildings as valuable assets. 

Research proposal vs business as usual

Cost and benefits analysis


Matter Site is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at the MRAC-02 program in 2020/21 by:

Research Student: Matt Gordon, Roberto Vargas

Tutor: Gonzalo Delacámara