Master in City & Technology 2019/21 – Term II
Seminar Name: Computational Urban Design V
Total Hours: 20 hours
Faculty: Eugenio Bettucchi

How computational tools can help designers in the decision-making process or influence a choice which then reflects at an urban scale? The aim of the course is to provide specific knowledge around topics such as data visualization and simulation at the urban scale. During the fifth and final edition of the MaCT’s Computational Urban Design seminars, all classes will be organized around specific topics based on the direction of the student’s project. During the first class, students can describe and suggest specific topics that can be integrated and explained along the next classes.
The course will use as main tools Rhinoceros and Grasshopper 3D. To properly follow the course a basic-intermediate knowledge of the software is requested. Students will acquire an advanced knowledge of Grasshopper 3D and will be able to extend its capabilities through various plugins linked with simulation and analysis.
Eugenio Bettucchi is a civil engineer with a degree in Building Engineering & Architecture from Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna (IT). He developed his thesis focusing on robotic material deposition based on real-time feedback. Actually he is senior designer at Noumena Barcelona, his interests and skills lie in computational design and digital fabrication. He is part of the IaaC assisting students in MRAC (master in Robotic and Advanced Construction) and OTF (Open Thesis Fabrication) master programme and in several other masters. He is also involved in the ROMI project (Robotics for Micro Farming) contributing to the development of autonomous aerial solutions.