MAA02 Thesis
Python for Grasshopper
Senior Faculty: Ángel Munóz

Cosmic congregations: marchuk, kuprijanova, koshelev. Faculty A. Munoz
In a world increasingly algorithmic it’s essential to learn programming languages. Almost every discipline from the Sciences, Architecture, Engineering to Art, use code as a progressive new medium – and this course should hopefully give you an easy introduction into this powerful language for communicating with the world.
Why Python?
Python is already included in many 3D tools you know: Rhino, Grasshopper, Blender…
Python is open-source, multiplatform (Windows, Mac, Linux and many others).
It’s very accessible. It’s described by its conceptors as “made for human beings”
The course will start with the programming basics to jump directly into python for Grasshopper.
Python extends Grasshopper functionality, allowing you to create custom scripts and perform more complex workflows. This course introduces the Python programming language to the students who want to do more with Grasshopper. Learn the basics of Python, including variables, data types, conditionals, loops and functions.
GhPython is the Python interpreter component for Grasshopper that allows to execute dynamic scripts of any type. As a tool for iteration, generation we will dive into recursive and growing algorithms. Unlike other scripting components, GhPython allows the use of rhinoscriptsyntax to start scripting without needing to be a programmer. Once on-board and with some practice, the students can also get the most of external Python libraries.
Learning Objectives
At course completion the student will:
> Python programming basics
> Accessing the Rhino API
> Creating geometries
> Growing algorithms
> Recursive algorithms
> Mesh subdivision algorithms