In Planning for the Next Planet, we investigate key global issues, how they affect society and what we envision could be a possible innovative solution for the respective trends. The global trend being targeted here is Livestock Farming. Fifteen cards are developed as a workshop outline; known and unknown, facts about the specific global issue. This process helps lay out underlining principles on the topic and aid at laying out an innovative strategy for The Next Planet.


With the focus on Livestock Farming, we recognize the extent to which meat production, distribution, and consumption impacts society, as well as environmental, technological, economical and political infrastructure across the world. These subcategories aid at weighing out the pros and cons of Livestock farming, as well. A few themes found within the card set include ethics, convenience, sustainability, industrial and nutritional aspects of meat production an livestock farming.

The Major Principles picked out here are:

  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Animal Agriculture
  • Toxic Wastes From Livestock and Poultry
  • Sustainable Live Stock Farming
  • Organic Food for Global Demand
  • Benefits of Eating Meat
  • Farming Your Own Food

Some Proposed Solutions are:

  • Focus on Local Farming
  • Controlling Biofuel and Methane Gas Emissions
  • Controlling Imports with Attention to Transportation
  • Improved Animal Feed (Quality > Quantity)
  • Global Sift from the Use of Fossil Fuels to Renewable Energy
  • Shift to Greater Plant Consumption
  • Awareness and Labelling

Livestock Farming – Workshop is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia.
Developed at Master in Advanced Architecture, in 2017 by Antoinette El Chidiac,  Mohammad Rachid Jalloul, Mohammad Akram Khan, Valeria Julich.
Tutors: Mathilde Marengo, Jonathan Irawan.
Faculty of Advanced Architecture.