
  • Sunlight is the most abundant energy resource but too much exposure causes facades to heat up, which causes the use more of mechanical systems to mitigate its effects.
  • The concept of our project is sun shading when it’s needed and find that natural sweet spot for the perfect temperature inside the building.
  • The aim is to make a light sensitive facade system that shuts when there is high amount of sunlight and opens when there is diffused light. 
  • This system help increase the energy efficiency of the building.
  • The objective is to use the knowledge of physical programing and code the below mentioned device to achieve the efficiency and result.


Design Hub RMIT

Devices used.

– Light Source.

– Light Sensor.

– M5 Stack.

– Servo motor 13kg/cm.

– Facade system to rotate.

Work Flow

  • Light sensor is connected to the M5 Stack and data collected is through the sensor in LUX and the recorded data is used for making the motor rotate which inturn rotates the facade system which helps increase the energy efficiency of the building.
  • The script for managing the LUX input data and the rotation angle of the motor is coded in Arduino, which in turn sends the information to the motor for the rotation.
  • Both M5 Stacks are connected via wifi for wireless connection so as to use the natural outdoor data and send it to the M5 Stack responsible for the rotation.

Exploded view

Circuit Diagram

Rhino Animation



Kinetic Facades is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at the Master in Advanced Architecture in 2020-2021 by students: Aniket Sonawane, Stefanie Thaller, Uri Lewis Torres and Faculty: Angel Munoz, Cristian Rizzuti