INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL FABRICATION is a seminar of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master in City and Technology, in 2016/17 by:

Tutors: Djordje Stanojevic, Kunal Chadha, Student: Peng Wang

Submission 01
Disappearing triangles
Material: Plywood
Technique: Laser Cutting


The main aim was to create a pattern on the plywood in order to make it  bend, as the horizontal distance increases.


The idea behind the proposal is to achieve the kerfing movement of a wooden panel with a triangle pattern, In order to achieve this pattern, We created it in grasshopper with the attractor point and designed a pattern in order to achieve the result shown .

Submission 02
Peaks and valleys
Material: Foam
Technique: CNC Milling


The basic aim is to create an undulating textured surface with the help of the CNC machine.


By creating a series of undulating surfaces, We would like to simulate a shape of peaks and valleys. In order to achieve the effect, the pattern had been created in Rhino and the undulations have achieved by rebuilding the surface and working around the points.
Finally with the help of grasshopper the various lines have been achieved on the surface to attain the texture and the discontinuity in a continuous way.

Submission 03
A shuttle curve
Material: PVA & Resin Casting
Technique: 3D Printing


The concept of the proposal is based on a shuttle,We are going to use some circles with different radius to loft a shape, simulate a curve from the shape of a shuttle.


In order to achieve the desired shape, Firstly, I made a sphere, then I get the points by divide the surface of the sphere, Secondly, I get circles from all the points, then get geometries (by using ‘loft’ component in GH) from the circles. Finally, I set an attracting point to be linked with the central points of the circles to get a better shape of the shuttle.