As a part of the Hybritat project developed during the Intelligent Cities course at IAAC, this interactive online platform allows the user to visualize different data in the context of an urban block in Newark, NJ. Relating to the buildings in the site, the data categories are: construction year, abandoned buildings, already colonized by plants and combined bioreceptivity.
Bioreceptivity is a term referring to the ability of a material to be colonized by living organisms and is determined by the factors below.

The parameters governing the bioreceptivity of a surface, divided into 3 main categories
While the video above is a screencapture showing the platform in action, the full platform can be accessed through the following link (for best performance use Firefox or Chrome):
The development application used was Cl3ver.
Interactive Urban Bioreceptivity Model is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia
developed at Master in Advanced Architecture in 2016 by:
Students: Peter Geelmyden Magnus
Faculty: Luis Fraguada, Rodrigo Aguirre