Sound Drawing is an evolution of the former stage of our project; we now use the speaker to draw. A pen is attached to the membrane of the speaker making it possible to visualize the soundwaves. Depending on the audio file and volume, we can create different patterns, adjusting thus the speed and the frequency of the periodical movement of the pen. The artificial arm holding the pen is made of PVC. An elbow is necessary in order to create wider sound drawings. In this project, the elbow is formed with the help of a hinge. The pen is being hold into place by a system of rings and ridges, which is removable giving the ability to replace the pen.







Sound Drawing is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia

developed at  Master in Advanced Architecture in 2016-2017 by:

Students: Yfantis Sotirios

Faculty: Edouard Cabay , Rodrigo Aguirre