kk Environment degradation is becoming predominant in this day and age and architecture presents a unique challenge in the field of sustainability.  Sustainable design attempts to have an understanding of the natural processes as well as the environmental impact of the design.  In these text Form and Function Follow Climate, Philippe Rahm show the main idea about the form/function relationship with climate and a paradox that  for achieving a sustainable building, it has to be isolated from and autonomous to follow his three underlying principles which are an air light shell, excellent heat insulation and mechanical airflow. In conclusion, Rahm suggests that to liberate the space and the altogether; also suggests not making new rooms to accommodate new functions, but to give free rein to the functional interpretation of space. The case study which called Never Never Land designed by Andrés Jaque Architects located in San José, Ibiza. The project began with detailed mapping of the flora and fauna on the site. The house is built around the already present trees, and is lifted off the ground to avoid any sort of disturbance to the ground ( paving, crops, watering or other input) which might eventually alter its properties, the way it works or the sort of association that the plant and animal communities now have with the soil in an attempt to leave all possible plants and systems intact. In addition, the waste filtering and treating equipment, as well as the water tank, are fitted into a reinforced concrete vessel, in order to prevent them from acting as ‘requalifying’ agents in the environment . personal research proposal: Sustainability often is defined as meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. During my research I recognized that achieving greater sustainability in the field of construction is significantly potential, because building construction consumes more energy and resources than any other economic activity so I would like to investigate in self sufficient building to stay green, stay isolated, stay prepared, or stay thrifty