The aim of this assignment was to create an live-interactive installation using forces as parameters with Kangaroo as the main engine. The main goal was to build a simple interface where the user can “play” with inputs such as attractors, sliders, functions and time to transform an object in space.
The selected location for the installation was the IaaC rooftop.
The idea behind this computational exercise was to investigate the ways in which inflatable structures can be deformed and constricted not only to serve their purpose as a pavilion but to generate intriguing and amusing forms.
Exploring the different type of anchors to apply to the inflatable pavilion. First by using points, then curves and finally combining the two with sets of holes cut into the roof of the balloon and using the edges as anchors. The form is adaptable to any curve type and was optimized to fit on the site.

Material exploration by altering openings sizes and placement, thickness and finally a smooth finish representing a flexible inflatable material.

Forces of Nature // GROW-tesk is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master in Advanced Architecture in 2019/2020 by:
Student: Zackary Bryson
Faculty: Rodrigo Aguirre | Faculty Assistant: Ashkan Foroughi and Ivan Marchuk