
The aim of this assignment is to create an live-interactive installation using forces 
as parameters and Kangaroo as main engine. The installation is designed for the rooftop 
area of the IaaC main building in Barcelona as shown on the right. The user can “play” 
with sliders,  to transform the object in space. 

Grasshopper script

Step 1: Create a grid and four adjustable points within the boundary of the rooftop area.

Step 2: Set a step of behaviors.

Step 3: Set the Kangaroo engine for animation of the deformation.

Transformation 1


Transformation 2

Transformation 3
Transformation 4

Forces of Nature is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia
developed at Master in Advanced Architecture,
in 2018/2019 by:
Students: Axel van der Vegte
Faculty: SO.3 - Computational Design