Natural forces, shapes, and behavior guided the design of this rooftop structure for the IAAC outdoor space. The subtleties of aquatic life is mimicked through variations in tension strengths, loads of inflation, resistance in bending and length factors.

These three modules exemplify how variations in edge length and inflation loads define how accessible the space becomes. With shorter edge lengths, and lower inflation, the structure is more rigid and close to the ground: suitable for high wind or winter when the space is used less. The larger openings occur with edge length in less tension and are suitable for high traffic as users have more flexibility to maneuver.

The circular based mesh geometry allows for more natural flow and movement to the surface. Inspired by oceanic life with high flexibility and bending.

Subtle alterations in point attractors give this pavilion adaptability to accommodate custom uses depending on the event. The delicate changes are controlled also with the amount of tension in bending strength. Mimicked with the pulse and breathing of invertebrates.

Triangulation. Circular flow. Voronoi. These define the mesh form finding and studies.

Forces of Nature is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master in Advanced Architecture for S0.5 Computational Design Course in 2018/19 by: Student: Sophia Molnar Di Biase Faculty: Rodrigo Aguirre Assistant: Daniil Koshelyuk, Nikoleta Mougkasi