ESCALERA 3 The first idea was to create a staircase which we could use as a cantilever from a middle support and creating the steps by folding the same element. From there we developed a new staircase using the folding where was needed as structure we tested several pieces made by hand until we found the best shape and structure. Untitled-1   modelo 2   modelo 2 1   We managed to find the right solution by experimenting with the physical model, letting us know how the structure worked and helping us identify more precisely where the moments of weakness and strength where working or not. Stair model1  OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA After designing and looking how it behaves in a physical way, we introduced the digital model to be analysed in karmba. STRUCTURES WORKSHOP jjjjj   STRUCTURES WORKSHOP 99999999999