In this seminar , we used  Spatialite  to cook the data and QGIS to visualize the data of food in Shanghai. As we ‘ve already known, nowadays food has already become part of infrastructure especially in metropolises. Contributed to the rapid development in Shanghai, citizens life is forced to be fast-pace. In terms of workers, who  are the main crowd to create the productive force and dedicate average 10 hours per day  to work. So we speculate that they would consume a large amount of  fast food during work days , but whether there is a way to let workers eat healthy food and live fast-pace life simultaneously? whether green area in peripheral metropolises can be the city farm to supply fresh  vegetables and fruits for city center ,whether  urban kitchens can be launched in the office area to improve the health food accessibility ? See the video ,  here is the answer.





Fast healthy food is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, developed at MaCT (Master in City & Technology), 2017-18 by:
Student: Najla Aldah | Ren Jiale
Faculty: Pablo Martinez Diez | Mar Santamaria