The goal of our project is to visualize constantly updated data regarding earthquakes. The manner we want to achieve this visualization is a dynamic way, but keeping a neutral background, so that the interactivity is read at a first glance. For that, we tried to use different types of visuals that help us reaching the goal in the desired way. The main tools used in the project: [ Structure] Recent Earthquakes GeocoderGoogleMaps Table Visualizator GetElementfromList CreatesTransformationGeo Addition5 Polygon2dSimpleVisualizator (for the interactivity) Different types of BitmapDataVisualizators (as backgrounds) [Current status of the project]
[Current Achievements] Till now we reached all the topics we proposed to do: Visualizing the earthquakes status by using the Impure APIS Application, with the same name. Extraction of information related to the geoposition, the Universal Projection on Transformation Geo was applied. Interactivity of the data – Polygon2dSimpleVisualizator GoogleMap Visual to show the World Map and to overlap the different worldwide locations P.S : The information used in the project were subtracted from CSV files to show the amount of people killed during earthquakes in different parts of the World and also the total population per country. [Last Achievement to do] Is to change the colour of interactivity data on the Polygon2dVisualizator,with the purpose to highlight different zones on the Globe where the Magnitude or the Number of Deaths are bigger. Team : Andres Briceno – Diana Nitreanu