User Manual Notice :

  1. The AR manual contains writings, images and simple animations to be added to the video streaming of the assembly zone.
  2. The sequence and assembly trajectories performed by the end user are recorded and compared to the designer
  3. The differences in the assembly parts sequence and trajectory are noticed and can help to improve the efficacy of
    the user manual employment.
  4. In this way, the AR user manual can be iteratively enhanced up to overcome the weak points of the procedure,
    providing more information where needed and avoiding to jam and confuse the user in the trivial parts of the
  5. A Knowledge Based Engineering system could be integrated further, in order to provide some troubleshooting
    covering the most frequent errors that could occur during the assembly sequence.
  6. Once the user manual has been fine-tuned, the user by means of this interactive tool can perform the whole assembly.
  7. This procedure immerses the user in the environment in a more realistic way than a traditional screen and it is
    helpful in evaluating relative dimensions of the parts and trajectories.
    The target images are placed upon the bases, near to the zone in which the model will be assembled: in this way,
    a virtual representation of the part to assemble can be viewed in real scale to check the real physical assembly in
    different stages.

Drei-Pods is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master in Advanced Architecture in 2021/22.

Students: Oscar Cortés Landa, Mara Muller – de Ahna, Changkai Qi, Weihao Yin.

Faculties: Daniil Koshelyuk, Nikol Kirova & Gabriele Jureviciute.