This project has two topics of study – Column to Beam connection studied, analysed and designedwith the help of scale models and structural analysis on Karamba. This project also looks into overall principles of structures in tension and various reactions observed at connections, all through scale models and Karamba.
LOCATION: IAAC ROOF TOP, Carrer de Pujades, 102, 08005 Barcelona
Plan View

Front View
3D View
We realized a 1:5 prototype of one part of the structure of the pavilion. The part analyzed is the catenary structure composed by two supports, one beam and two cables. The prototype is very important in order to visualize the deformations and the curvature of the beam. The model will also help us visualize the loads and the moments acting at the two very important connections – Column to Base and Column to Beam/Lath. The quick 1:10 model of the same system with a replacement of column-base connection from pinned to fixed helped us visualise the structure in new light. From our observations the pinned connection at the base of the column helps achieve equilibrium in the structure without applying any bending moment at the base of the column, but it comes with its own challenges of structural stability.
IAAC’s Rooftop Pavillion // Column – Beam Connection and Testing Principles, is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed in the Masters of Advanced Architecture 2020/21 by Students: Rosamary Machado, Daniel Grace, Stefanie Thaller, Tullio Polisi, Laukik Lad Faculty: Manja van de Worp, Raimund Krenmueller.