This game is dedicated to young children to start understanding how buildings are consturcted, in this game the technique was based on stacking blocks on top of each other in order to create you own space . For this game , the model chosen was the famous
“ Final wooden house “ project of Soufujimoto
Where he used wood blocks by stacking pieces on top of each other to generate a living space . In this game , the child is supposed to run the terrain collecting wooden blocks and going back to where the guidance structure exists ( to help them stacking it the right way according to the plan proposed by Fujimoto ) . The collector should pick wooden blocks and avoid somehow falling into the deep valley .
Time is very important , a countdown is set to push the child to understand the notion of time in construction processes . If the time is over and the child couldn’t build his house , there will be an enormous rain storm and he will loose the game , so constructing your shelter before the storm arrives in is a must .

shelter to be built before the storm arrival

Shelter to be built before the storm arrival



Simulating the environment

Simulating the environment


CONSTR(ACT) is a project of IaaC , Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed for Master in Advanced Architecture in 2015-16 by :

Student :

Michel alAzzi

Faculty :

Luis Fraguada