Algorithmic design tool that explores urban scenarios

Traffic congestion, poor sanitation, crime, informal settlements, lack of transit oriented development and lack of public spaces is something we’ve all experienced either while traveling or in our home countries. The reason being a glaring failure in urban planning- accounting for 54% of our cities being labelled a failure.

To combat this, we have City Loop :


So, why city loop? What’s wrong with traditional urban planning methods?



Analog urban planning works based on assumptions, not data and doesn’t simulate. One scenario takes months, even years to design, let alone being able to generate multiple scenarios.

City Loop reduces uncertainties in Urban planning by analyzing layouts and generating multiple simulations and scenarios using a feedback-loop, hence generating hundreds of options within hours.

A very simple example. Image 1 shows an analysis of the proposed path between a shopping mall and a railway station. What if we could re-configure the given route by taking the shortest path, the shortest path with the least amount of turns or a path that takes you along the boundary of a beautifully wooded park?

City Loop is beneficial to governments, city councils, architects, planners and architecture students.

City form labs, Sidewalk labs, City mart, Urban sim are existing algorithmic planning tools with potential to earn millions. Firms/ governments turn to either 2 or more existing tools as they either analyse or simulate. Keeping that in mind, City Loop is a combined tool.

The following is the expected timeline :

City loop can target 37 of the 88 firms that the Indian government has commissioned for the smart city initiative in 2021.

City Loop will be reaching out to different sections of target customers in the following ways :

The team will comprise of myself, the founder and the following structure :

City Loop will cater to its different target customers with a different business model for each

An initial investment of 40,000 Euros is required to start City Loop


City Loop // Business pitch is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master in Advanced Architecture for the business innovation seminar, in 2020-2021 by:
Student: Sneha Vivek
Faculty: David Rovera