Seminar Faculty: Albert Cañigueral
Guest Faculty: Enric Sanabre, Ricard EspeltIsmael Peña LopezMiquel FerrerAndrea Ruani

Never before in human history has been as simple as today to coordinate peers at a massive scale. Jeremy Heimans calls it the “new power” and we see new power all around us. Wikipedia is a well known prime example of this news power.


Caption: CC BY-SA – OpenSourceWay

The same basic capabilities are applied to the co-creation and exchange of, not only information, but goods, services, money, value, etc. Sharing economy, collaborative consumption, collaborative economy, p2p economy, etc. you can pick your favorite term to describe this scenario where people are empowered to get directly what they need from each other. Traditional businesses are being disrupted by coordinated collaboration among the people formerly known as “customers”. The genie is clearly out of the bottle and won’t be put back anytime soon.

Below the most visible symptoms of the collaborative economy (i.e. the massive, global and well known platforms/startups such as Airbnb, BlaBlaCar, KickStarter, Wallapop or Etsy) there is a much more profound shift for our society: the P2P mode of production.

Caption: CC-BY-SA – Albert Cañigueral

The “citizen producer” — as we like to call it at OuiShare — lies at the epicenter of the P2P revolution. He or she becomes an economic entity in the society that operates via platforms in ways that nobody predicted in advance, and that is affecting all sector of the economy

During this “Citizen Innovation Seminar” we will explore and dig deep on the impact and challenges that this new scenario is creating in the cities and the society in general


Screenshot for Paris (taken 22/09/2015)


CC BY-SA OuiShare