The project takes on loops or iterative logic as a base mechanism in defining architecture. Using basic cell units to speculate digital spaces in taking into account the increased degree of autonomy generated by each new added loop.
We define 2 basic components, using their heuristic structure to make selected choices to initiate the formation of aggregates through connectivity of magnetic handles. And each handle is connected with a continuous path based on our selected geometry and desirable spaces.
The 2 components defined have their own distinctive character. One is being open, and the other being a courtyard framing structure. With this 2 distinctive characters, we then propagate them to form an aggregate of whole which produces architecture that full of possibilities and surprises.
Post processing is defined through adding screen, canopy and ramp. The ramp is then able to provide vertical connection between cells thereby establishing further opportunity of spaces that are well connected for social activities. Hence creating networks of path that create surreptitious meeting for places of events.
In growing our components in the context of an urban environment, elevated at the roof heights, these topological aggregates is then interconnected with existing urban fabric thereby establishing urban connectivity. By further defining point A and B, we then able to identify the shortest walk between 2 points. The shortest walk mapping is then able to inform the value of each connected junction and thereby making sensual experiences out of this identify spaces.
Initial unit cell studies showing components combination to form strategies possibilities
Components set ups , showings circulation connectivity and magnets handles orientation
Heuristic : sorting up list items from 4 branches to propagate components in a strategic manner
Populate these components in a control environment : 1. Conceptual Environment 2. An Open Space 3. An Urban Street
Shortest walk between 2 points
Additional Geometries to realise spaces for distint features, like ramp, canopy and screens
Various shortest walks analysis to identify the best potential places where traffic concentration would occur, in so doing , we can then strategically locate appropriate spaces for activities suited for crowd anchoring
Conclusion : Loops and interative design strategies involve specific design decision in various generations of refinement and replacement, every recursive action informs the next possible steps. This work exemplifies the flexibility of the digital chains, in extending dataflow capacities so to enhance the design strategy.
Cell urbanism is an Advance Algorithmic project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed in the 2019/20 by
Students: Aditya Mandlik, Chaitanya Kumar, Chim Lim
Tutors: Alessio Erioli, Andrea Graziano