Our design began from the concept of stacked shapes using kerf bending as a technique of manipulating the shape of the wood against its grain. This is all made possible from use of the laser cutter,  a process in which we essentially break down the natural structural properties of provided by the grain of the wood. Following the idea of stacked, alternating components, we moved to to alternating components within each other, which allowed us to play with the form and light in different ways. Depending on how we treated the unseen area of each cone we were able to highlight the thinnest, longest piece while using the larger, outer components to diffuse the light. We had multiple issues during our experimentation and fabrication, however, we believe that we achieved our goal and have gained knowledge of the laser cutting process and both its positive and negative attributes.


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Cascading Light is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, developed at Master in Advanced Architecture in 2016/2017 by:

Students: Irene Ayala Castro, Keesje Avis, Daehwa Baek (Group 4)

Instructors: Alexandre Dubor, Djordje Stanojevic.