
This workshop is an exercise for an innovative business. Built 3d is the company for 3d printing construction.  At the time of rapid urbanization the construction technologies are not as fast as the demand requires which is basically the speed issue and then is the concrete structure cost which becomes double because of the formwork and labor.


Adaptive 3d printing is the solution to the problem with which formwork is eliminated in the process and few number of people can execute big project without need of many skilled labor.

Value Proposition

The value proposition comes from the aspect of feedback loop in the additive construction process.

Market Validation

Each year number of projects coming on ground are increasing fast which proves that the technology is promising. Now the interest also from the governments is giving fuel to the advancement in construction.



Market Size

There is a huge demand for housing which can be filled fast with the proposed technology.

Early Team

The early team needs following positions and with time and no. of projects will increae.

Future Steps

3d Built (Business Innovation Workshop)  is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at the MRAC-02 program in 2020/21 by:

Research Student: Mansoor Awais

Tutor: Davide Rovera