
Bend This Pavilion, the title of this project, quickly introduce one of main aspect adopted during the design process. We have developed a pavilion which final shape is the result of an active bending action, a strategy to generate curved structural form by means of elastic bending from initially straight or planar elements. The location where this take place is Plaça de San Andrés in Madrid.

Site and climate condition

Madrid is well known for its hot summer climate which can easily reach temperatures of around 40° C. This raised the opportunity to develop a summer pavilion informed by the average radiation level.

Form Finding

We developed a triangular plan, with beveled edges and divided into slices.

Longest sides can bend to define the entrance, red sides can slide to bend the structure and finally the basic shape is divided into a triangular mesh.

The bending amplitude is the parameter handle by Kangaroo in order to define the final shape of the pavilion.


A range of constraints have been set in order to achieve some key points and we used the evolutionary solver Galapagos to find the most optimized result.

_bending amplitude (from Kangaroo)
_pavilion rotation
_pavilion position

Fitness criteria:
_minimize incident radiation
_satisfy a minimum opening size
_being completely inside the plot

Catalog of iterations

Of all the possible results we have selected a collection of some iterations that show the general trend in the different generations calculated by Galapagos. The general trend was that of about 50% of invalid solutions, as some conditions were not met, and 50% of possible solutions from which the most performing was isolated.

Optimized final iteration

Perforations in the form


The form has been subdivided into 6 micro parts for fabrication strategy. The strips have been divide based on a curve close to the central part of the form.

Panel Tagging 

The divided form is then panelized into parts and tagged.


Panel Subdivisions


Rendered Image


Bend This Pavilion is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master in Advanced Architecture in 2022 by Students: Angelo Desole, Vaibhav Toshniwal, James Kingsley Claudin and faculty: David Andres León, faculty assistant: Ashkan Foroughi.