Group: Carolina Aguirre – Carlo Caltabiano – Saiqa Iqbal THE FINAL VISUALIZATION WILL SHOW THE REAL FLOWS OF TRAFFIC REGARDING THE AIRPORT OF BARCELONA, INCLUDING ALL THE ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES FROM IT TO THE REST OF THE COUNTRY AND THE WORLD. As data source we used the Official information given by the Barcelona Airport, in which it’s clearly detailed each one of the flights. We gathered hourly daily information about all the arrivals and departures in order to have a complete schedule for a week that is representative for the general activity of the airport. We processed that information in order to have CSV usable files for the Impure Workspace. We also will be adding some other type of information relating the cities to have some kind of parameter to compare with, that could be economical, demographic, etc.
To begin with the Workspace, we downloaded all the information from the Barcelona Airport webpage, the arrivals and departures real schedules. Then we had to organize it as CSV files in order to load them into the workspace. After filtering the tables, with getElementfromList we got the Airport codes and names. We connect them to the GeocoderMultiGoogleMaps to get their real coordinates(x,y) with getPropertiesValuesfromList and then we used ListAssembler5 and save a file with the data.
Then we used the TransformationGeo modules to transform the data into the Polygon2DSimpleVisualizator2 where it is projected using also the GoogleMapsVisor as the base for it.
Conceptual Sketch: The final visualization will show the different kind of connections between the Airport of Barcelona and the rest of the world according to the real flows.