Many people believe that the secret code of  happiness is maintaining both physical and mental health. Statistics show the opposite is also true: there is a strong correlation between depression and poor physical health. In Buddhist philosophy the mind is considered to be a sense organ and it is believed that by practising meditation we can cure our body. In this era of continually connected technology it can be difficult to find an environment suitable for meditation and free of distractions. The aim of this project is to improve the quality of meditation by allowing the user to discover interaction between natural environments, sounds, and the human body.

ChakraSuit is an experimental wearable which aids in finding the best location for meditation, enabling one to learn about the interaction between natural environments, sounds, and the body. The prototype continuously listens to ambient sounds, and translates the identified audio frequencies to vibrations on the seven chakra points along the spine and head. The project consists of a jumpsuit, pocket, and harness with integrated electronics running on a Raspberry Pi W Zero.Bartolome, D. (2019) ChakraSuit: Parc Central del Problenou.

Bartolome, D. (2019). ChakraSuit: Parts of the Wearable.

ChakraSuit is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master in Advanced Architecture in 2019 by:

Student: Kristine Kuprijanova

Faculty: Luis Fraguada, Elizabeth Bigger

Support: Cristian Rizzuti