>>> Through this scanning we have come to a context-specific design proposal, where we have tried to simulate the roman fractals on our assigned lot. This information source was important for us to state our attempt to come to a processing script that is more than just an algorithm for itself or a formal game per se. This way, this advanced digital tool became a tool that provides the notion of belongings and translates the geological identity of the context into a design proposal. The theoretical basis of our proposal comes from our shared interest in the interdisciplinary urban design and planning direction: Landscape urbanism. Where the perception of the traditional urban park that has been planned by mechanistic zoning plans, is freed from its fences and borders, and the idea of designing the nature stems. An Australian landscape architect states “landscape is the infrastructure of the future.” We know that a transportation infrastructure is more than a highway, but a linear point of attraction for commercial and industrial activities. We know that landscape is a medium to construct the networks of transportation infrastructures. So how do we take this landscape urbanist idea of greening cities forward? What if landscape itself provides an alternate layer of infrastructure in which we cultivate, produce, and transport? The aim is to attract agriculture based industry along this sublayer of green infrastructure so that we provide a context-specific productive landscape.
>>> anti_material manifesto
[Team] >> Mehmet Akdogan >>Asya Güney >>Neel Kaul >>Diego Ramirez